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Sign up with one month commission free.

Special offer: take bookings for one month with no commission (standard commission is 20%)

Reach thousands of new customers with tailored listing pages

Customers book and pay online in minutes, and we send you the money each month

Accept, decline and reschedule any booking with Sharesy’s online calendar

Our friendly customer support handles booking queries

It’s commitment-free – you can leave at any time

Sign up now
Not convinced? Get a demo

Start earning in four simple steps.

1. Sign up online in minutes
Tell us about your venue’s spaces and what kinds of bookings you want.

2. Set up your schedule & listings
We'll help you set up a Sharesy schedule and space listing pages with key info and photos.

3. Take your first booking
When a booking comes in we’ll notify you, and you can accept or decline. On the day you’ll set up your space and show the customer in and out.

4. Get paid
At the end of the month we’ll send you your money and a sales performance summary.

“Sharesy have been fantastic in helping us generate income for our school. Their platform makes it easy for prospective hirers to book our spaces. I would absolutely recommend Sharesy to others!”
Raquel, host at Coppetts Wood School

Terms & conditions

1. Your commission-free period starts the day your venue listings go live on

2. Sharesy may decline listing venues not in keeping with our community ethos.
(a) Qualifiying venues include, among others: schools, churches, community centres, pubs, bars, hotels and restaurants with spaces for private hire;
(b) Non-qualifying venues include those without spaces for private hire and any providing adult-only entertainment;
(c) If you’re unsure if your venue qualifies, please contact us.