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A handy guide to sharing your venue with your community

Having trouble completing your Go-Live checklist? No problem, we've put together the following guidelines to help you get started.

Printed Materials

Here are some best practises we’ve picked up while working with Sharesy venues.

Distributing your flyers

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  • Book bags or mail outs: the most comprehensive way to distribute your flyers and get them into your audience’s hands is to either send them home in children's book bags or send them out as part of an existing mail out to parents/your community.
  • Hand them out at the school gates: If you don’t want to clog up people’s inboxes, then arm your teachers and staff with them to hand out at pick up or drop off.
  • At events: Leave them on chairs or hand them out at community events such as performances, parents' evening or PTA meetings.
  • Put them at the front desk: This should only be a last resort (or for the leftovers after handing them out), but making sure they are visible to any visitors can be a good backstop. You won’t get as much coverage, but people can pick them up at the venue.

Posting your posters

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  • Put them where they'll be seen: make sure to put them where they can be seen by visitors/parents
  • Ideal locations: wherever there is a lot of passing footfall - on the main doors, next to reception or even a school notice board in a common thoroughfare
  • Common mistakes: please make sure they’re not put up anywhere visitors or parents won’t see them - whilst the pupils might find them interesting, it's likely an adult that’s going to make the booking!

Putting up your banner (if requested)

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  • Ideal locations: place your banner outside the main entrance or along an external fence/railing where passing traffic (by car or by foot) is likely to see it.
  • Close enough to read: we’ve made the Sharesy banners big enough to read from a fair old distance, but please keep it within at least 40 metres, otherwise they won’t get noticed.
  • Common mistakes: it goes without saying, but you’ll get the most out of placing the banners in the busiest area - so don’t put it inside the playground or round the back!

Sharing the cheat sheet with your colleagues

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  • People always call: no matter how much we try to spread the word, people will always end up calling your venue, contacting you via email or asking at reception.
  • Make it easy: the easiest way to help customers to book is to refer them to your venue page by following the front-of-house cheat sheet we’ve provided.
  • Put the cheat sheet where staff can see it: if there is a noticeboard in the office, that’s a great place for it for all to see, otherwise think of the most likely place someone will look for this info - a ring binder or organiser on the front desk.
  • Casual walk ups: having some flyers and a poster handy is a great way to direct people to your Sharesy venue page.
Still have questions? Please feel free to contact us

Digital Assets

Here are some tips and tricks for sharing your booking links online.

Prepping your social media posts

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  • Download the images we've given you: we’ve provided you with some tailor made content to be posted on your social media platforms - if you haven’t received it yet, please contact us.
  • Post it online: once you’ve received your content, simply post it on Instagram, Facebook and wherever else your venue does social sharing. Below is some channel-specific guidance.

Posting on Instagram

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  • When to post: post it nice and early in the day, on a Wednesday or Thursday - that’s shown to be the best way to catch a wide audience.
  • You can’t put a link directly in the comment section: it is best practise to add a link in your bio to your Sharesy venue page.
  • Common mistakes: it’s no good uploading an image of your venue QR code to social media - people can only scan those from their mobile phones, and that’s likely what they are viewing the content on!
  • Helpful copy: need pointers on copy? Here is our recommendation, please make sure to update with your venue information/links.
  • "We’ve partnered with Sharesy to make it easy to book online. With ideal spaces for parties, sports and community meet-ups - please help to support our <venue type>. Simply visit the link in our bio or search for Sharesy and our <venue type> name online."

Posting on Facebook

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  • You can put a link in your post: it’s possible to add a link directly in a Facebook post, so add your Sharesy venue page URL in the post - try to make it clear and obvious in your message.
  • Helpful copy: need pointers on copy? Here is our recommendation, please make sure to update with your venue information/links.
  • "We’ve partnered with Sharesy to make it easy to book online. With ideal spaces for parties, sports and community meet-ups - please help to support our <venue type>. Simply visit <venue page link> or search for Sharesy and our <venue type> name online."

Announce your new letting pages via an email announcement/ParentMail

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  • Get the word out: a sure fire way to reach your audience is to send out a dedicated email announcement to your parents or congregation (at schools, this is typically done using a tool like ParentMail).
  • Find out who sends these emails: they're usually sent by a dedicated person in your team (like the front of house admin) - once you’ve worked out who it is, you’ll need to contact them and provide the details below.
  • Make it look nice: be sure to use our logo and some pictures of the spaces from the content pack we’ve provided - if you haven’t received it yet, please contact us
  • Don't just attach it, put it in the body of the email: we highly recommend not just creating a PDF and attaching it to an email, but instead copy the text below into the body of the message - that way people can quickly and easily see the link directly in their email browser
  • Helpful copy: we’ve provided the following content as inspiration and we’ve found it works really well - please be sure to change the venue name and URL to your own before sending!
  • Subject: Book our spaces and help support our <your venue name>


    "Dear <your venue name> community,

    We’ve partnered with Sharesy to make it easy to book our venue online. 

    You can book instantly via this link:
    <insert your venue page URL>

    With ideal spaces for kids parties, sports activities, community meet-ups and more - we’re hoping you can help to support our
    <venue type> by hiring our venue for your next event.

    To book, simply visit our venue booking page (link above) or search for Sharesy and our venue name online. Once on our page, you can review spaces, check our availability and book in an instant.

    Help support us by booking your next event today and remember, for the rest of 2021 all booking income will go directly towards raising money for our
    <venue type>.


    <your venue name>"

Adding a regular link to your weekly or monthly newsletter

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  • Regular emails or newsletters: most venues send a regular newsletter to their audience on a weekly or monthly basis - using this as a shop window for your space lettings is a great way to keep it front of mind.
  • Find out who sends these emails: as with the dedicated announcement newsletter, you’ll need to find out who organises these and ask them to add the content for you - once you’ve worked out who it is, you’ll need to contact them and provide the details below
  • Adding a banner or button: You can download a banner or button from here your Sharesy Asset Folder (which should have been provided by our team), share with the newsletter editor and simply link it to your Sharesy venue page. Be sure that it’s added in the newsletter template so that it is sent out every time, not just as a one off!
  • Adding simple text text - if you or the editor is not sure how to add a banner/button, that’s not an issue. Simply add the following text into the main body of your newsletter template - preferably near the top of the page. Please don't forget to change the venue URL to your own before sending!
  • “Hire our venue for kids' parties, sports activities and events - review our spaces, check availability and book instantly online
    <insert your venue page URL>"

Updating your website with links to book your spaces online

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  • Better links means less phone calls: if you can update your website with a direct link to your Sharesy venue page, you'll likely reduce the number of phone calls you receive, so this is vital.
  • Find out who manages your website content or design: getting content added to your website isn’t always straightforward and is likely to be contingent on who maintains your website content or design. If you don’t know who this is already, then ask your colleagues and don’t give up until you have their name and contact details.
  • Determine where the content should appear: the easier it is to find these details on your website, the more likely people are to hire your venue. The ideal location is as an item in your main website menu. Failing that, adding it as a sub-heading in your menu, like inside the “Contact” menu or “About Us” as seen in the example below.
  • Adding the content and links: if you can, the simplest option is to add it into the navigation menu with clear labelling “Hire our venue” or “Lettings”. The menu item can then link directly through to your Sharesy venue page. If you prefer to have a dedicated page with some copy or images to whet their appetites before sending them through to Sharesy, you can use the below copy, along with a link to your Sharesy venue page.
  • Happy to help: we’re really keen to help you get this right, so please don’t hesitate to let us know if you want us to check your website changes or if you’d like some help to implement these changes.
  • “Hire our venue for kids' parties, sports activities and events - review our spaces, check availability and book instantly online
    <insert your venue page URL>"
Still have questions? Please feel free to contact us